In the first semester, I think I produced high quality work. I completed all of the assignments on time, using the the proper size and resolution. My actual designs had thoughtful design principles, such as the use of color, symmetry, and contrast. I payed attention to the objective of the assignments and tried to take it even further. When my original idea wasn't working out, I would go beyond my first idea and think outside the box. This semester, I think although I submitted high quality work, I still could have put more effort into it. I didn't take many risks as far as subject matter. I played it safe, and avoided using photoshop tools or editing images that I knew would take a long time or would take a lot of effort. However, if I would have taken the time to edit those images or use those tools, who knows what the result would have been? I could have created something incredible. I work most of the class period and try to stay off my phone, therefore, I would say I ...